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To prevent any suspended solid objects entering into a system for a certain filtration grade. Filtration grade will determine the size of objects to be filtered.


Filtration is essential. The type, size and cost of the filtration system used will be determined by the following factors:

  • Water source
  • Water quality
  • Flow rate required
  • Available pressure for head loss
  • Minimum and maximum system pressure
  • Type of emitter, sprinkler, use or task of the filtered water selected
  • Availability of power
  • Preferred maintenance practices on site
Read More About Flitration

Table of Filtration Grades

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Primary Filters

This is the main filter station that must filter the water. Design these filters with great care so that the task that is expected can be performed (high silt loads during the rainy season). The SABI norm for drip irrigation is to follow the drip manufacturer’s recommendations to ensure that the guarantee on the drip system is valid.

Secondary Filters

This is the second protection of the system and is normally installed at block valves or groups of block valves. These filters are of great value in the event of a mainline break or where dirt that is small enough to pass through the primary filter and then build up to form larger particles that can cause a potential blockage. In systems where fertigation or asbestos mainlines are still being used, it is a good choice to use these filters. We would recommend a filter with the same micron as the primary filter. This is the life insurance of a system.

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