Designed to decrease soil pH for acid loving plants
Key range features:
- Decreases soil pH
- Improve the soil’s physical structure and properties for acid loving plants.
Ideal for:
Most indigenous (acid loving) plant species:
- Azaleas
- Fuchsias
- Magnolias
- Zantedeschias
- Brunsfelsia
- Gardenias
- Rhododendrons
- Camellias
- Hydrangeas
- Viburnums
Directions for use:
- Acid Dressing is an acidic growing medium specially formulated for acid loving plants such as Azaleas, Brunsfelsia, Camellias, Fuchsias, Gardenias, Hydrangeas, Magnolias, Rhododendrons, Viburnums, Zantedeschias and most of our indigenous (acid loving) plant species.
- Acid Dressing is designed to decrease soil pH, improving the soil’s physical structure and properties for acid loving plants.
- Acid Dressing can be used directly from the bag for new plant holes. Apply a 5-10cm layer of Acid Dressing on the soil surface and mix in.
- 3Sixty Acid Dressing can be applied as a 5cm layer in existing beds and around trees.
- The nutrients and acidity will be washed into the soil with watering.